Jerome Wong 

Jerome Wong had established successful careers in global finance and technology. His last corporate position was as Managing Director of Credit Structuring & Advisory at BNP Paribas in NY, where he was able to successfully expand his business during the height of the financial crisis. Previously he held similar roles at Citibank, UBS and Chase Manhattan Bank working in New York, London and Hong Kong where he managed groups creating financial products and solutions for banks, insurance companies and asset management firms. Prior to graduating with an MBA in Finance from Columbia Business School, he worked in the greater Boston area in engineering and technical sales positions in digital image processing, software and defense companies. He had also received a BS in Electrical Engineering from Tufts University.

Mr. Wong is currently the program director of the Masters of Science in Global Finance at The Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University, as well as an adjunct professor for the program. He is also the CFO for Molon Labe LLC, a portfolio company of the angel group he co-founded, Angelus Funding LLC. The group’s portfolio includes investments in advanced materials, medical devices, Blockchain technology, software, drones, and several other sectors. His accomplishments include writing a career development book for college students, “Landing Internships and Your First Job: Why Qualifications Are Not Enough”.